Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd...
"More powerful than all poetry,
more pervasive than all science,
more profound that all philosophy,
are the letters of the alphabet,
twenty-six pillars of strength
upon which our culture rests."
--Olof Lagercrantz
more pervasive than all science,
more profound that all philosophy,
are the letters of the alphabet,
twenty-six pillars of strength
upon which our culture rests."
--Olof Lagercrantz
I am sorry to say that this comment has NOTHING to do with your original post! But I have found myself quite interested in your story, Cody! Tell me of this love you once had.. who knows, maybe I might learn a thing or two from others' mistakes! *SMILE* What went wrong? What made it so amazing? Was it truly love? How did you know that it WAS love? How did it all turn out... I mean as of now? If that is too personal and I am being noisy, I understand!! But I am intrigued and, I suppose a snoop, and would love to hear your story if you are willing to tell!
Posted by
Janna Marie Long |
Mon Feb 28, 03:14:00 PM
......by the small and simple things great things are brought to pass.
Posted by
Unknown |
Tue Mar 01, 02:55:00 PM
NannaBear- I don't know how to respond. What is to be said of love found and lost and found forever? Need we wax on late into the night about our past?
"It's too late,
to drag the past out,
into the light."
I just don't even know what to say, nor am I even sure that I want to say anything, perhaps I have said too much.
Posted by
Cody Russell McComas |
Thu Mar 03, 10:22:00 AM
Some thoughts and feelings
which slip into light
and graze us with a touch of life
migh best have hit intended mark
if left alone in a private dark.
Posted by
Nate Mecham |
Thu Mar 03, 01:50:00 PM