Wednesday, December 28, 2005 

Finding Toll-Free Numbers

#3 is "Finding Toll-Free Numbers"


Hard to Find 800 Numbers

Hard to Find 800 Numbers


Using Toll-Free Numbers

How to get to real person once you've got those toll-free numbers
IVR Cheat Sheet(tm) by Paul English

Sunday, December 25, 2005 

December 25th

Christmas came...and Christmas went.
The feeling of family, love.
It is amazing how hard you can work, how much thought you can put into, and anticipation you can build up, for one single day, one single event, a few hours, a few moments. And when it comes down to it the most important thing about those moments is that they are spent with the ones you love. As I write that it seems so cheezy, but it is how I feel, it is honest.

Friday, December 16, 2005 

What a shame

What a shame it is when
Popularity or
become more important to us than our relationships with other people.

Thursday, December 15, 2005 

I know you well
I know your smell,
I've been addicted to you.

Monday, December 12, 2005 

"Music to me is happiness. Like a dream or a scent it can never be completely captured or tamed and the rare moments that you think you got it are pure bliss, the rest of the time is the 'trying to get there' which is lets say not the most pleasant of sensations. "


Saturday, December 10, 2005 

Just one word

I sent an email to a number if people in my address book. This is what it said,

"Describe me in ONE WORD...and just one word. Send that one word to me in an email reply (ONLY TO ME, none of this "Reply to All" crap), then send this message to your friends and see how many strange things people say about you! This could be fun (or scary, or a little of both). Just reply and send me my word back. Be HONEST!!! Then forward this message on to your friends and see what they say about you!!! I'm doing it out of curiosity I guess...amuse me.
--Cody Russell McComas"

Here are some of the responses. I found it to be an interesting and telling experiment about myself, and about the people who replied.

Wirey...(not in a bad way)
Old Spice
ONE-OF-A-KIND...(does that count for one word? it was the first thing that came to mind)

Tuesday, December 06, 2005 

What a great word

logorrhea: excessive talkativeness.