Wednesday, September 28, 2005 

Beginning artists

As most of you know that I love music, it is a big part of my life. I love to make it and really love listening to it and watching it being made. Any chance I have to watch a cheap/free concert I usually take. This has usually been quite satisfying. There are two artist of which I would like to make note.

1)Peter La Grand and the Vigil.
These folks are AMAZING! Peter's music has a rich honesty to it. Every time I listen to it I am amazed at it's sincerity, and as I am listening I feel like I am coming home. I just simply can't believe how good he is. Check out his site, see him live if you can, buy the CD, I personally guarantee that you will like it. Check his site out here.

2) Laura Gibson.
I saw her recently and apart to being incredibly attracted to every aspect of her, I REALLY enjoyed her music. It is heart-felt and honest. I pure voice that resonates real emotion. Another CD I recommend purchasing. Her web site is here and/or her Myspace site (where you can listen to some of her music and see how beautiful she is) is here.

Friday, September 23, 2005 

True story:

My co-worker's wife asks him,

"What nationality is Cody?"

To which my co-worker responds,

"I'm not sure, but I know that he is at least half Rock-Star."

Thursday, September 22, 2005 

For why else are we here?

Dance until your feet hurt
Sing until your voice is gone
Cry until the tears are dry
And laugh until your cheeks ache.
For why else are we here?

Monday, September 19, 2005 

Yup, we are

Indeed, indeed.

Sunday, September 18, 2005 


Originally uploaded by dockmaster.



Elenchus.: "money is a means to an end, not a goal itself. It is something we use in order to have the life we want; it isn't life."
--Jared Orme

Saturday, September 17, 2005 

Cool stencil



(click image for larger)
"When Adam met Eve
That's when the Blues were born!"
I took this picture in the bathroom of Blue Chicago, a beautiful, intense blues club in downtown Chicago.

Sunday, September 11, 2005 

Four years ago today...

Let us not forget. Let us not allow those souls to have died in vain. Let us do what we can in our daily lives to make the world a safer, better place.

Friday, September 09, 2005 

This time of year

I love this time of year. Early fall. You can feel it in the air. A crispness is coming. It's coming and it feels good.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005 

Have you ever...

...gone on a vacation; and weeks later a friend of yours goes on vacation, and unbeknownst to either one of you, you end up going to the exact same place and taking a photograph in front of the same landmark? Check these pictures out and tell me that's not crazy.

photography credits: Joette Tomblin, Anna Banana

Friday, September 02, 2005 

First Remote Post

So...this is my first ever remote post. I am currently sitting in a motel room in Butte, Montana. I am en route to a family reunion in Rupert, Idaho.
Hmm...some thoughts as of late...
I really want to be an organized person, in fact to a certain degree I believe that I am quite organized in certain areas of my life. However, after a brief inspection of my room or truck, the common observer would not agree. This bothers me. I'm not sure what to do about it. Should I let it bother me? Does it only bother me in principle, or does the daily living with my disarray really bother me? Who knows, perhaps the bleak, yet fresh environs of Butte will lend itself to me being able to reflect and conclude. We shall see.