Wednesday, June 22, 2005 

Out of school

I am out of school for the quarter, and I therefore have a little extra brain-power and effort to put into things besides school, and by "things" I mean designing and building a model rocket with an on-board digital video camera to record a video of the earth slipping away below and the rushing upward toward the clouds and into the limitless sky. Summer, isn't it great?

Sunday, June 12, 2005 

Were the pyramids necessary? Was it necessary for man build the airplane? Was it necessary to land on the moon? maybe not, but man, we've got to try something!
--Nate E. Mecham

Wednesday, June 08, 2005 

A stiff comparison...

"Dreams and stars never compare to the beauty of love"
--Nachelle Conley

Tuesday, June 07, 2005 

This poll

I just took finals, can you tell?


So what's more weird...

...the fact that this burrito was mistaken for a gun, or the fact that this kid was bringing a burrito to school the size of a rifle?!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005 

A quote that stopped me

"...remember when you asked me if i would marry you right here, right now...i really would have..."


Pink Floyd

Turn off the lights
Put on the album
Lay in your bed
Close your eyes
Let the music take you where it will

While I find this to be possible and rewarding with most music (and this is one of the reasons I love music so much), I find it to be particularly powerful with Pink Floyd. This music has the ability to take me to another planet...and I really like it is a fascinating and beautiful place.