A terrible joke...
Dearest, dearest readers:
My mother taught me that the best, and only good, practical jokes are those which, when it is all over, both parties can have a good laugh. Well, a few of you saw that I had a post up previously with a link in it. This link took you to a "Crush Calculator." This supposed calculator-of-true-love purported to determine if any of your crushes would be 'The One.' In reality what it did was merely send me the information of whom the Crusher and Crushees are. I did it thinking it would be a silly little joke, but after having it up for a few days, and having it 'fool' a few of my dear friends, I felt so guilty that I took it down.
So I guess the main purpose of this post is to say sorry. I value the relationship that I have with each one of you, and I would be saddened if that relationship were put into jeopardy due to a lack of trust. So, I apologize. Sincerely. For what it is worth.
P.S.- Although I do have to mention a witty crush submission. As follows:
Friend name: Pat Benetar
Crush #1: Mick Jager
Crush #2: Steve Tyler
Crush #3: Axel Rose
props to whoever submitted that one.
My mother taught me that the best, and only good, practical jokes are those which, when it is all over, both parties can have a good laugh. Well, a few of you saw that I had a post up previously with a link in it. This link took you to a "Crush Calculator." This supposed calculator-of-true-love purported to determine if any of your crushes would be 'The One.' In reality what it did was merely send me the information of whom the Crusher and Crushees are. I did it thinking it would be a silly little joke, but after having it up for a few days, and having it 'fool' a few of my dear friends, I felt so guilty that I took it down.
So I guess the main purpose of this post is to say sorry. I value the relationship that I have with each one of you, and I would be saddened if that relationship were put into jeopardy due to a lack of trust. So, I apologize. Sincerely. For what it is worth.
P.S.- Although I do have to mention a witty crush submission. As follows:
Friend name: Pat Benetar
Crush #1: Mick Jager
Crush #2: Steve Tyler
Crush #3: Axel Rose
props to whoever submitted that one.
What!? I missed it!? My one opportunity to find out if he's the one and I . . . wait a minute.
Posted by
Unknown |
Tue Jan 10, 11:00:00 AM
I'll take your props...though I really was hopeful for Pat.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thu Jan 12, 03:52:00 PM