Thursday, March 31, 2005 


Most decisions are not permanent.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005 

Martin Sexton

This guy is goo-ood. Martin Sexton.

What's the big idea here? The idea is pretty simple: People who create video, music, photos, audio clips and other personal media can store their stuff for free on Ourmedia's servers forever, as long as they're willing to share their works with a global audience. Ourmedia's goal is to expose, advance and preserve digital creativity at the grassroots level. The site serves as a central gathering spot where professionals and amateurs come together to share works, offer tips and tutorials, and interact in a combination community space and virtual library that will preserve these works for future generations. We want to enable people anywhere in the world to tap into this rich repository of media and create image albums, movie and music jukeboxes and more.

This site is very, very, very cool. Check it out.



Here are some other sites that I have been playing around with. Nothing amazing or earth-shattering, I'm just playin' around and seein' what I like. Check 'em out if you want. I also put links in my links section. Barefoot Blog 2. Barefoot Blog 3. My Ourmedia page.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005 

Missoula cont.

So there I am, sustained only by an orange, the water left in my Nalgene water-bottle, and a small loaf of French bread left in the back of my truck from when I took my friend Joette grocery shopping. I called Nate Mecham and explained to him my situation. His first question was, "Do you have your guitar?" I told him that I did, then he said assuringly, "'ll be alright then." So there I sat in the back of my small pickup, drinking water, eating stale bread, and playin' the blues.

Monday, March 28, 2005 


So I get as far as Missoula and my truck's engine, which has 80,000 miles on it, decided to disintegrate. The timing chain skipped a tooth thus putting the engine out of time and causing one or more of the pistons to collide with one or more of the valves bending or breaking the piston(s), valve(s) or both. Not good. 20 degrees. Wind blowing. Snowing. And nothing to do but lie in the back of my freezing cold truck and wait for 20 hours until my dad arrives with a truck and trailer to haul my broken, annoying, boat-anchor of a truck back to Spokane. More of this story later.

Sunday, March 27, 2005 

The Barefoot Baronet

The real name of this white-haired fellow is Robert Ponsonby Staples. He was the third son of Sir Nathaniel Staples, 9th Bt., and was born in 1853. After leaving the army, his father spent a number of years in Holland and elsewhere on the Continent, and his children received most of their education there, chiefly in Belgium. Staples studied art and architecture from the age of 12 when he went to Louvain, followed by spells at Dresden, Paris and London. The Royal Academy accepted his first picture in 1875 and he was a regular exhibitor thereafter. In politics, he was a Protestant Home Ruler and a member of the United Irish League. He played an increasing part in the running of the family estate in Lissane, Cookstown from 1905, taking up residence there in 1912, although he did not actually succeed to the property and the baronetcy until his elder brother died in 1933. Prints of some of his famous pictures, to be found in Lissan House, include Cardinal Manning's Last Reception, Gladstone Introducing the Home Rule Bill, The Ideal Cricket Match now in the Pavillion at Lords, The Last Shot at Wimbledon and many more which may be viewed in galleries in England and Northern Ireland. He carried his pad and pencil everywhere and was constantly sketching people and events and these are truly delightful studies of Edwardian life in the early days. He had many unusual ideas, one of which was that the ills of modern life were a result of man's foolishness in insulating his body against the earth's magnetism by covering his feet in leather. He used to walk barefoot, hence his nickname "The Barefoot Baronet" He died in 1943.


Yes I know I have the cutest nephew in the world. This is little Owen Carson McComas. Total cuteness.
(click on image for larger)

Friday, March 25, 2005 

Here's to the Crazy Ones!

Thursday, March 24, 2005 

Counting Crows lyrics

"And all at once you look across a crowded room to see the way that
light attaches to a girl."

"If you've never stared-off onto the distance than your life is a shame."

"The feeling that it's all a lot of oysters and no pearls."

"I deserve a little more
I belong in the service of a queen
I belong anywhere but in-between."



Okay, this is a pretty widespread voicemail, but it is still flipping hilarious. An operations manager for Jack in the Box was late for a meeting and called his boss to tell him he was running late. As he was leaving the voice mail message, he witnessed an accident and went on to provide play-by-play of the incident. This is the actual voice mail message. It was forwarded so many times within Jack in the Box, it crashed their voice mail server. One of the things that is so funny is how this guy describes what is happening, and his laugh is so contagious. If you haven't heard it click here. Actually, even if you have heard it listen to it again and laugh.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005 


"If you take a book with you on a journey," Mo had said when he put the first one in her box, "an odd thing happens: The book begins collecting your memories. And forever you have only to open that book to be back where you were when you first read it. It will all come into your mind with the very first words: the sights you saw in that place, what it smelled like, the ice cream you ate while you were reading it... yes, books are like flypaper-memories cling to the printed page better than anything else."
--From The Common Room

Monday, March 21, 2005 

Zegunder: electronic coolness

This is a site with Zegunder's entire current album available for download, along with the album art. The music is a mellow, warm, electronic coolness that just makes you feel good. I don't know much about them, but am really enjoying their stuff.

Saturday, March 19, 2005 


Barefoot Blog got a facelift. A new look. I like it, I think it's more clean and crisp. What do you think? Leave a comment or let me know in the Poll on the right. I still got a few kinks to work out, but I'll get everything workin' right soon. Please leave any suggestions in the "comments" area.



I have experienced a small amount of loss, pain and disappointment in my life. The very little that I have experienced has been so incredibly painful that words don't even begin to do justice. It is more painful than I ever could have imagined or expected. As I think about this relatively very small amount of pain and loss that I have experienced, I think of those whom have had real, significant losses, then I think of the Tsunami (and similar circumstances) and I can't even begin to imagine what the healing process would be like for half of a continent. And yet I find myself whining over petty little stuff in my life. Am I the only one who feels like an ungrateful wretch that has no perspective.



The public radio station in Spokane, KPBX, has a record sale once a year. The listeners donate their records all year and then they have a big sale as one of their funraisers. I went a little while ago and loaded up on some records. Some of the artitsts include: James Taylor (of course) Crosby, Stills, and Nash, Joni Mitchell, Cat Stevens, and others. They are so incredibly good. The music so honest and pure and quality. I have spent many a night recently till the wee small hours listening to these records, just amazed by the brilliance of the artists.



"It's amazing how bad disappointment feels. It's almost palpable, like a cut."

This is sooooo true. It is a tangible, real thing, that you can physically feel.

Friday, March 18, 2005 


Okay Folks- It looks like Beck won 8 to 3.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005 

Woody Guthrie once said...

"Trouble aint worth nothing
So I wont charge nothing
To fix it.
-The trouble buster"


A post and comments worth checking out on Nate's blog here.


"Take my hand
We'll make it
I swear."

Monday, March 14, 2005 

Some cool graffiti

This guy's got some cool graffiti, check it out.

Sunday, March 13, 2005 

Another interesting article

When Ingrid Carey says she feels colors, she does not mean she sees red, or feels blue, or is green with envy. She really does feel them. She can also taste them, and hear them, and smell them. Check it out here.


Music--Cat Stevens

"Sweet music can lighten us
Can brighten the world
Can save us"
"Music is a Lady
That I still love
Cause she gives me the air
That I breathe

Music is a Lady
That I still need
Cause she brings me the food
That I

--Cat Stevens

Thanks Cat.

Thursday, March 10, 2005 

Italian proverb...

Once the game is over, the King and the Pawn go back into the same box.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005 

El Guitarrista
by Justin Bua


An outsider looking in...

A Danish vagabond's personal journey through the American underclass. A documentary with 3,000 pictures, music, interviews and narration. A visually moving and therapeutically healing journey through the deep racist subconsciousness of the spectator. This is a very fascinating website.

Saturday, March 05, 2005 

"My lifetime
Listens to yours."

(thanks Jo Jo :)


"Now I wish I could put my life together as well as I can put together words about living."
--Jared Russell Orme

Wednesday, March 02, 2005 

Where have I been?

So perhaps you, the loyal reader, are wondering to yourself, "what happened to Cody, and all his insightful comments, thoughts and quotes with which he usually showers us?" Well, dear friend, the majority of my brain power and time has been consumed by writing programs for a computer science class that I am in and I absolutely love. So that, is where I have been.