Tonight I went with my friend Joette to a Impressionist art exhibit. They had on display various pieces. Their crowning piece was Chrysanthemums by Claude Monet. This painting of his was tactile. I really enjoyed the experience.
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That's just it nailed it. Monet's "tactile" artistic experience is why I always go back for more. While viewing the art work last night, I couldn't help but notice the warning which was often posted next to every fifth piece of art viewed. It read, "Touch art, harm art" I believe it was something to that cause. My words are not exact but you get the point. Monet, in all his glory, in all his tangible perception of beauty takes this warning off the walls. Because of his skill to please the eye through color and technique he somehow magically also pleases the sense of touch. Absolutley amazing.
Posted by
Unknown |
Wed May 04, 04:29:00 PM
I actually planned to go Sat. morning. I can't wait, I've heard nothing but positive. Even from non artsy fartsy people.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wed May 04, 05:37:00 PM
One of my nicknames, and I've had very few, was "artsy fartsy spice." I adore art and impressionism happens to be my very favorite as is apparent from taking a cusory glance around my room. :) (I'm a little obsessed with Renoir.) I also like your word choice, "tactile". To me, that is one of the most fascinating aspects of impressionist art. You can explain why 19th-Century Dutch and Flemish paintings are so tactile because the artists paint in every vein inside every juice pocket in each wet slice of orange. Impressionists, however, especially Monet who often painted on large canvases couldn't have comprehended what he was painting when he was as close to the canvas as he would have to be to paint it. His pictures emerge at a distance.
There is a particularly lovely lavender waterlilies painting in the Cleveland Art Museum. In front of it sits a large circular velvet couch. I've spent much time on that plush seat getting lost in the transparent swirls of color. The only thing that could add to the experience is a little Debussy, perhaps "Prelude to the Afternoon of the Faun" creating the ideal sound garden.
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Unknown |
Tue May 10, 08:17:00 PM